Talapatra Nidhi: A Treasure of Wisdom in Telugu
Talapatra Nidhi is a book of proverbs, sayings and moral stories in Telugu language, written by Mythili Venkateswara Rao. The book is based on the ancient palm leaf manuscripts (talapatra grandhalu) that contain the wisdom of sages, saints and kings. The book aims to impart valuable lessons on life, ethics, spirituality and culture to the readers.
Talapatra Nidhi: A Treasure of Wisdom in Telugu
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The book has 407 pages and is divided into 32 chapters, each dealing with a different topic such as happiness, friendship, wealth, education, health, love, marriage, etc. The book contains hundreds of proverbs and sayings that are concise, witty and profound. Some examples are:
à àààà ààààà àààà à àààà àààà àµàà àààà àªàààà àààà (When everyone is together, even the time of eating rice is a time of love)
àààªààªà àààªààªà àààªààªà à àà àµààà àààªààªà àààààààà ààààà (The one who says shoe shoe shoe does not buy a shoe)
àààà àààà àààà à àà àµààà àààà àààààààà àààââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â (The one who says monkey monkey monkey does not buy a monkey)
The book also contains many moral stories that illustrate the virtues and vices of human nature. Some examples are:
How a king learned humility from a sage
How a poor farmer became rich by following his dream
How a greedy merchant lost everything by cheating his customers
The book is available in both hardcover and paperback editions. It can also be downloaded for free as a PDF file from various websites. The book has been widely appreciated by the Telugu readers for its simple language, rich content and practical wisdom. It is considered as a treasure of knowledge and culture by many.
Talapatra Nidhi is not only a book of wisdom, but also a book of history and culture. It reflects the rich heritage and diversity of the Telugu people and their land. The book contains references to various places, festivals, customs, traditions, arts and crafts of the Telugu region. It also showcases the literary and linguistic skills of the author and the original writers of the palm leaf manuscripts.
The book is suitable for readers of all ages and backgrounds. It can be read for pleasure, education or inspiration. It can also be used as a reference or a guide for various situations and challenges in life. The book is a source of joy, peace and harmony for the readers. It helps them to appreciate the beauty and value of life and to live with gratitude, kindness and integrity.
Talapatra Nidhi is a book that deserves to be read, cherished and shared by everyone who loves Telugu language and culture. It is a book that connects the past with the present and the future. It is a book that inspires the readers to seek and spread wisdom in their lives. 04f6b60f66