Kreative Wandbeschichtung:- Malerarbeiten in Österreich, Vorarlberg und Tirol. Der Maler für dekorative und exklusive Wandgestaltungen mit den besten Produkten von Rivedil, Novacolor, und Marmorino Tools. Hand gemachtes Kunstwerk auf die Wand. Spezialist für Renovation und Mieterwechsel bei Wohnungen, Bodenbeschichtung mit Epoxidharz. Fachmann für Schimmelsanierung und Entfeuchtung, Schimmeltelefon, Schimmel Notruf, Verleihung von Entfeuchtungsgeräten. Bauanschlussfugen auf auf Baustellen, Wartungsarbeiten bei Silikon Fugen in Bädern.
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SmartSchool Education is a leading Indian K-12 education company. Innovation through technology forms the core DNA of the company. The company has been actively providing innovative K-12 educational solutions to various educational institution across the globe. The company has core competence in creating technology based K-12 education solutions to the clients worldwide. With current footprints in US, UK, Netherlands, Africa, Middle-east, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Singapore, Nigeria, Bangladesh and India, the company is now rapidly expanding its footprint across other parts of the world. Having catered to more than 1,000,000+ students and over 1000 schools world-wide, the company is poised to become one of the largest K-12 technology solution provider world over.
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Address : Aykon Tower, Plot Number 4, Second Floor, Sector 135, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh Pin Code- 201304