Seems like you have ordered a new Cash App card. The next step is to activate your Cash App Card now. Once you activate your Cash App card you will be eligible to unlock all the benefits given by the Cash App. After Cash App Card activation you would be able to purchase bitcoins on Cash App, invest in US Stocks, borrow money from Cash App Borrow and the best feature which is loved by all the Cash App users is Cash App Direct Deposit. You can enable Cash App Direct Deposit with an activated Cash App card.
Cash App Direct Deposit allows its users to receive funds directly into their Cash App account from their employer. Cash App Direct Deposits works two days faster than traditional banks. We love how Cash App gives all the services not less than any traditional banks. Cash App debit cards are accepted everywhere which makes it even more worthy.
How to activate a Cash App card?
You might be happy after receiving a brand new Cash App card. Why not? Your brand new Cash App can lead you to have many benefits. Gladly, two ways are available to activate a Cash App card. First simple method involves scanning a QR code. And the second method is all about finding and sharing the Cash App card details such card number and expiration of date.
You can choose whichever method is best suited to you according to your preference. Both of the methods are quick and user-friendly processes.
Activate Cash App card with QR Code
The first method we will talk about is activating the Cash App card with a QR code. Follow the steps given below to scan the cash app QR Code which you received with the delivery of your Cash App debit card.
Tap to open the Cash App on your device.
Tap on the Cash Card icon.
From the options choose “Activate Cash App Card”
Cash App will ask your permission to access your device camera.
Permit by tapping on Allow.
Place the QR code and the camera properly and then scan the QR code.
Once you scan the QR code, your cash app card will be activated and ready to use.
Activate Cash App card with Cash App Card details
The other way to activate your Cash App card is with Card Details. You can follow the steps given below to activate your Cash App card with card details:
Launch the Cash App on your device.
Click on the Cash card icon on the Cash App home screen.
Click on “Activate Cash App Card”
From the drop-down icon, select “Missing QR code”
You will be taken to the other section of the card activation process.
Click on “Use CVV instead”, then you will proceed without a Cash App QR code.
Enter the card details in the given sections which include your name, expiration date of the card, CVV, and other details which are asked by Cash App.
Click on “Activate Cash App Card”
Once you have followed the complete process of activation, your card will be ready to use.
Now that you have activated your Cash App card, you should add money to it. Cash App gives different methods to its customers to add money to their Cash App cards. We will learn to add money in different ways to your Cash App card in the next sections.